Middlebury Land Auction 19 acres ~ 4 Parcels At No-Reserve Auction!
Address: Auction to be held at: 56608 CR 33 Middlebury IN 46540. Land to be sold is right across the street.
Directions: From Essenhaus in Middlebury west 1.5 miles to CR 33. North half mile.
Terms: 5% of purchase price down evening of auction (nonrefundable). Balance due at closing in approximately 45 days.
Sellers: Mike and Becky Lee
Auctioneer’s Note: Excellent potential building sites in the country but one mile from Northridge High School and numerous restaurants.
Open houses: Public is welcome to inspect the property during daylight hours.
No minimums, no reserves!
Soil tests will be done with results available the night of the auction.
Parcel One 8 acres with 225' of road frontage
Parcel Two 5 acres with 50' of road frontage
Parcel Three 3 Acres with 170' of frontage
Parcel Four 3 acres with 170' of frontage