#1 - 230 Acres - Millersburg Michigan - 2 Miles From Lake Huron- At Absolute Auction
230 acres of mostly flat and gently-rolling timberland
6621 Friedrick Road Millersburg MI 49759
Less than 2 miles from Lake Huron!
This property has lots of young hardwoods, cover for wildlife, and secluded potential building spots! It has clearings that could be superb for developing food plots if a hunting paradise is in your dreams! Good trails would lend themselves well to ATVs, Horseback riding, and hiking. The property also appears to be surrounded by public land which could provide hundreds of miles of additional trails!
Fifteen minute shoreline drive from the beautiful lakeside town of Rogers City.
Street: 6621 Friedrick Road
City: Millersburg
State: Michigan
Property Location - State: Michigan
Property Location - Country: United States
high bid $350